Wednesday, January 8, 2020

American Lit - 2895 Words

Living in a technologically advanced society definitely has its perks. Today, we are fortunate to have the internet, to delivery books straight to your house, and wireless handheld e-books. Unfortunately, the days of going to the library to take out books, and speaking with a librarian for help on research rarely happens anymore. That’s why studying literature, and researching topics is essential for us students. Literature can be described as a language. It has been expressed for centuries and throughout different countries and cultures. Literature is a work of art, which has been spoken in different structures and also for many diverse reasons. I believe that literature is another way to view our historical past as well.†¦show more content†¦Even though she is so mad she can barely see straight, she knows that no matter what she needs to complete her tasks. She is determined to press forward and finish the pie. A familiar quality that is illustrated throu ghout many works of literature. Bravely, Mrs. Penn decides that she needs to sit Adoniram down and express her frustration to him. Freeman also writes, â€Å"‘Father, you come here.’ Sarah Penn stood in the door like a queen; she held her head as if it bore a crown; there was that patience which makes authority royal in her voice. Adoniram went.†(Pg. 556) I enjoy the usage and imagery of Sarah as a queen. The reference towards royalty and being a Queen could be seen towards the reader as a pun; knowing sadly that Mrs. Penn in reality doesn’t have any reign. After sitting her husband down she was unsuccessful in changing his mind, he was going to continue on the new barn. As time went on Mrs. Penn plotted a brilliant plan. She became self-assertive and decided that she needed to take matters into her own hands. Her plan consisted of getting Adoniram out of the house, the man of the house who made all the decisions. She knew that once he was out of the pictu re she would be able to take charge and achieve her goal. Mrs. Penn’s arrangement was to move the family into the new recentlyShow MoreRelatedApex american lit Essay1645 Words   |  7 PagesConstitutions Practice Assignment English III (2013) Sem 1 (S2605467) Ashley Heaton Points possible:  50 Date: ____________ Assignment Write a literary analysis essay of the U.S. Constitution. Focus on how the Constitution provides liberty for American citizens. Use quotations from the Constitution to support your points. If you choose, you can compare or contrast the U.S. Constitution with the Haudenosaunee Great Law of Peace (the Iroquois Constitution). Your essay should use a basic three-paragraphRead More american lit1157 Words   |  5 Pages When did American Literature begin? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-with the Native Americans Three dominant characteristics/themes of Native American Literature? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1. 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