Monday, November 4, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

History - Essay Example Secular Humanism however presents a way of living for the human beings and suggests that following religion does not specifies if a man is good or not, a man can lead a good life by doing good to the people and the environment around him and bringing peace and harmony to everyone in the society. This is the only way he can lead a happy and successful life. Secular Humanism stresses on the logical reasoning of things before accepting them and the concept of accepting things on the basis of religious beliefs is totally rejected. According to the ideology presented by Secular Humanism, humans should utilize their power to think and reason before accepting or rejecting any idea and their decisions should be based on logical reasoning and not on the illogical and inherited religious beliefs. Secular Humanism persuades human mind to indulge in learning and logical reasoning the ability of logical reasoning is developed by learning the arts. Secular Humanism is neither a religion nor follow s the dictionary meaning of the word secular because it upholds the concept of human dignity and stresses the followers to practice moral and ethical values in their lives. According to the secular humanism ideology, the aim of life of a human is to achieve high levels in moral and ethical conduct and serve the mankind. The humans are supposed to develop themselves and achieve new heights because the process of evolution is still in progress. According to secular humanism, the human life ends with death and there is no life after death and humans are not answerable to anyone. Therefore it is antagonistic to religious beliefs because the concept of God and life after death is absent however it can still be classified as a religion if religion is defined as a set of beliefs and a way of life. The world today has about 40-50 million followers of this ideology. (428 words) Printing Press and Religion With the invention of the printing press in the 15th century remarkable changers were o bserved in literature, learning and religion. The idea of printing press and moveable type was first perceived by Gutenberg and he put together paper, winepress and oil based ink, three different technological developments of that time. The arrangement he formulated could be used for printing books and in this way the first printing press was invented. The invention of printing press brought a revolution in reading and writing and this also included the religious reading because prior to this invention, the books and written literature was not accessible to everyone and was also very expensive. The objective of the development and invention of the printing press was to lower down the prices of the books and to produce them in large numbers so that more and more people could learn from books and the Bible. More and more books were made available to the common people and learning and the transfer of knowledge became very frequent. The printing press initiated the information revolutio n because printing allowed the quick transfer of a large amount of knowledge with ease. The effect of printing was very evident in the population because people started reading and learning new skills and techniques which helped them develop themselves into useful individuals of the society. Moreover with the invention of printing press more educational institutions and libraries were opened and revolutionary

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